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Data-Driven Creative Platform for Video Ads on YouTube

VideoRunRun helps you extract more results from both your CREATIVE and MEDIA investments from Mobile to CTV and from Top to Bottom-of-the-Funnel.

Fuel Ad Performance with Creative Analytics

Leverage the next more untackled lever of advertising performance, Creative.

Simply and continuously test, understand and iterate Creatives based on data and insights.

Unlock Connected TV Leveraging YouTube Supercharged by our Technology

Embrace TV massive viewing shift at your advantage on the #1 streaming platform: YouTube.

We bring unparalleled Data Driven Creative and Full-Funnel optimization to drive maximum attention & website visits from the TV screen.

Achieve Brandformance With Video Ads

Over-perform Branding & Performance KPIs with a Video-First approach powered by dedicated ML/AI Technology on top of native Google Ads/DV360.

Creative is the Next Path to Video Ads Campaigns Over-Performance

No matter where you look, Creative is proven to be the biggest driver of advertising ROI. And yet, marketers still struggle with Creative measurement and solutions to improve Creative decisions.

Data-Driven Creative is emerging as the next most contributive pillar of successful digital campaigns.

Combine Creative Talent and a robust platform to generate Creative Insights along with Media optimizations, and you’ll get the golden key to unlock the full potential of video ads performance.

Massive versioning & personalization

Create effortlessly as many personalized creatives as wanted based on product and audiences flows.

ML optimization of media-spend on audiences

Distribute efficiently investments on individual line items for each Audience/Creative combination. Get control back with hyper granularity.

Live & immediate actionable creative insights

Gain insights into why a particular sequence or combination of elements—such as objects, calls to action, texts, and more—proves more effective than another in achieving your KPIs.

Automated video ads generation - empowered by AI

Optimize Creatives on the go. Quickly integrate the best data-driven performing ingredients into new creatives.

Over-Perform Any YouTube Ads KPI - Branding & Performance with a Video-First Approach Powered by Dedicated ML/AI Technology

Don't let Google algorithms spend your media budget on un-efficient Creative/Audience combinations.

Let our ML/AI platform supercharge NATIVE Google/YouTube Ad solutions.

Test, distribute, learn and optimize Creatives and Media spend during/after your campaign's run.

Take Full Control of Your Video Ads on YouTube With an Effective and Independent Platform

All KPIs

From Branding to Performance: Square both Long-Term branding and Short-Term benefits.



All devices & formats

Align your video ads with the devices that your audiences are using – from Mobile to CTV. Ensure your best content is reaching the right viewers (16:9 and 9:16, Long & Shorts).

All audiences

From Top to Bottom-of-Funnel, our ML is fully trained to optimize your video ads according to your objectives. Quickly pinpoint audiences that drive best in-class results.

With your existing assets

Start working with your best videos: TV ads, social ads, long form content… Effortlessly generate multiple ad versions by adjusting elements and sequences.


YouTube is a Formula 1.
VideoRunRun is the Best Platform and Team
to Fire All Cylinders

The only independent techno solving CREATIVE efficacy + AD efficiency
Outcome-based proprietary AI and Machine Learning
AI/ML eliminate wasted impressions and optimize granular campaigns on key audience metrics (VTR, Clicks, Visits, ATC, Sales…)
Outcome and video centric dashboards for derived insights to fuel in flight and future campaigns
Test & learn approach focusing on maximizing Branding and Performance KPIs
Success Team as your partner taking the heavy work load out of your shoulders
The only independent techno solving CREATIVE efficacy + AD efficiency
Outcome-based proprietary AI and Machine Learning
AI/ML eliminate wasted impressions and optimize granular campaigns on key audience metrics (VTR, Clicks, Visits, ATC, Sales…)
Outcome and video centric dashboards for derived insights to fuel in flight and future campaigns
Test & learn approach focusing on maximizing Branding and Performance KPIs
Success Team as your partner taking the heavy work load out of your shoulders

A Unique Platform to Install a Highly Profitable Data-Driven CREATIVE Loop to Maximize Your Investments on YouTube

The best performing creatives on the most profitable audiences optimized on business outcomes

  • 01. Creative Analysis
  • 02. Creative Versioning
  • 03. Creative Distribution
  • 04. Creative Insights
  • 05. Creative Iteration
Creative Analysis
Get a Creative scoring backed with Campaign’s data. Evaluate your existing videos, scrutinize scripts and structures, and identify opportunities along with highly relevant recommendations.
Creative Versioning
Generates multiple versions from existing videos to suit YouTube formats and devices for maximum impact.
Creative Distribution
Create effortlessly thousands of ads variations combined with granular targeting to extract the most performance at all-level funnel: from Top to Bottom.
Creative Insights
Learn what key creative elements over-performed in each video, for each audience.
Creative Iteration
Generate new creative adaptations from insights gained. Experiment with new videos and repeat again to get closer to the perfect sales video.

Powered by VideoRunRun