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Samboat’s 2023 YouTube Campaign Drives Results and Uncover Multimarket Insights

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Yannick Wittenauer
Published on 6 November 2023

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Multiple markets audiences: how techno runs the game to drive YouTube results and actionable data

SamBoat is a major boat marketplace in France and a major world player in the peer-to-peer boat rental sector, making it easier for people to enjoy boating experiences around the world.

The company’s objective is to promote renting activities during 2023 summer, while simultaneously boosting brand awareness to surpass competitors and cultivate customer loyalty.

To achieve this, the brand wanted to strategize it’s most ambitious YouTube campaign to date, opting to entrust VideoRunRun for key expertise and AI/ML exclusive techno leverage.

Starting with 4 existing video concepts and 5 European targeted countries – France, Italy, Spain, England and Germany – SamBoat aims to enhance its user base, boost bookings, and ultimately drive sales (reservations).

1/ Four video concepts over Five countries: Test and learn approach

The primary objective of the Success team at VideoRunRun was to identify the most compelling video content that truly resonates with audiences, prompting direct action.

Samboat YouTube

For this, VideoRunRun worked from 4 initial video concepts with different creative elements like intro, sequences, CTAs, voice over, rhythms… – generating 3 versions per country, ranging from 15s to 40s in different languages.

Testing and understanding the impact of each message to targeted audiences is a necessity to maximize overall results while extracting insights to improve optimizations on the go.

2/ Mastering the Multimarket Challenge with AI: facilitate video testing across diverse audiences

Europe has a unique combination of multiple languages and cultures. This fragmented market poses a significant challenge for every B2C marketer, given its diverse audiences with distinct lifestyles and consumption patterns.

Gathering comprehensive data and insights to tailor communication strategies is essential.

VideoRunRun data-driven AI and ML automatically generated multiple campaigns mixing demographics / devices / videos versions for each level of the marketing Funnel, from larger “In Market” audiences to smaller remarketing clusters.

With such granularity, it’s a necessity to rely on VideoRunRun’s Machine learning that automatically apply media optimizations, resulting in the promotion of the best performing videos to the most receptive audiences in real time.

These campaigns not only performed extremely well, above expectations, but drove tons of insights from audiences and Creative optimizations.

3/ The Results: Sales + Data Driven Insights

By optimizing media distribution and SamBoat advertising efforts throughout the 11 weeks campaign, VideoRunRun identified core audiences, strategically allocating budget across countries and demographics.

Click-through rate (CTR) exceeded expectations, and the overall cost per visit on YouTube was five times less than the typical standards. This resulted in X5 more clicks for the same amount of investment.

About one third of total booking subscriptions came from new accounts, improving SamBoats new user base.

The clickers are not the customers – VideoRunRun was set to optimize media for conversions, a strategic decision considering that, for each country, the top-performing video was not delivering the optimal click-through rates (CTR).

Throughout the campaign, from start to finish, optimizations led to a 9X decrease in CPA in France, the largest market.

SamBoat x YouTube

This chart illustrates the relationship between costs and the number of conversions, demonstrating how VideoRunRun efficiently manages media expenditure over time to achieve a sustainable long-term optimum.

In addition to the results, VideoRunRun’s data uncovered invaluable insights:

  • knowledge was acquired in terms of video creative approaches, specially tailored to different countries and audience segments (Acquisition vs Activation). These insights have provided guidelines for future video productions, ensuring to create more impactful videos.
SamBoat x YouTube
  • All campaigns KPIs, from views to purchase, were documented per video/audience/device/time allowing deep dive into each country’s specificities.
  • Timing is everything! Understanding the ideal moments, for each country, to launch campaigns based on consumer behavior patterns—whether it’s securing bookings prior to vacation or during their stay.

What’s next

By running this YouTube campaign, SamBoat has confirmed the immense potential of YouTube ads and how to maximize its benefits with VideoRunRun’s insights.

Now, the brand is ready to take its YouTube strategy to the next level. This includes experimenting with new video content tailored to the specific requirements of each country, using creative insights gained from this campaign.

Discover a whole new level of brand exposure by adding your device TV to YouTube with VideoRunRun. Our success team will guide you every step of the way, ensuring your business drives measurable impacts and learnings.

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